Protect All Life

Vinny is the Only Candidate that will defend all Life without exception. This includes those unborn, born, and until natural death. 

Phase out of Property Tax

As Governor, Vinny will work with the General Assembly to find a way to phase out Property Taxes for homeowners. 

Under our State’s current system, you cannot own property as you must
rent it from the Government by paying Property Tax.


Fighting for Our Veterans and their Families

As a former Naval Intelligence Officer, Vinny knows what it means to serve and realizes there are issues that veterans face. As Governor, Vinny will advocate for polices that will help those who served our country.

Support Parent’s Choice for Educating their Children

Vinny believes parents should have freedom of choice in how they educate their children.  As Governor, Vinny will advocate that parents who choose to educate their children outside the public school system should be given a tax credit equal to the cost of education that child in the
public school system.

Economic Growth through Workforce Development

Having a skilled workforce is paramount for economic growth as it will attract companies to bring their headquarters, regional offices, and manufacturing and distribution facilities to North Carolina. As Governor, Vinny will work with businesses, educational institutions, and the General Assembly to have viable workforce development programs in place to meet future industry needs.


Healthcare and Medical Freedom

Vinny believes we must move from our current Disease Management System to true Healthcare.
This will be achieved through mandatory health and nutrition classes in grades K-12, only healthy foods and snacks will be offered in schools, and a daily exercise program.

For Medical Freedom, as Governor, Vinny will advocate for parental choice for immunization requirements in public schools.